Impressum  |  Datenschutz

St. Boniface Minster is the oldest church in Hamelin.

It is depicted in the town’s coat of arms.

For more than 1200 years services have been celebrated here. The hewed stones of the minster walls tell of the faith and hope of the people who have built and maintained this church.

In the following most links open pages in German only.

We welcome visitors.  The minster is open daily, from 9 to 18 hrs. (summer time), and 10 to 17 hrs. from November till March.(Exceptions are special events and their preparation.)

The minster is situated right on the bicycle path along River Weser. Click for Information.

Our church is a station on the pilgrim’s route from Loccum (Lower Saxony) to  Volkenroda (Thuringia). Click the logo for the pilgrim’s homepage, and for Information.

Have a look at the menu: You will find plenty of information about the church, parish, services, the jubilee in 2012, and more.

"A Short History of St. Boniface Minster"
is offered at "Das Muenster".

We look forward to your visit.

Kind regards,

The church council of the minster parish St. Boniface

The coat of arms with the minster
above a millstone.

For the latest information about events and other topics, please click here:


A few years ago a video was produced by Norddeutscher Rundfunk.


If you would like to attend our church services, please click


The minster bells

There are three bells in the west tower that ring for services and events.

You can hear them chiming for a minute:

Guided tours in English

can be booked, including the ascent to the central tower (c. 45' - 60’).

“Das Muenster / Fuehrungen”

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